AOS/TJ/AET Prep Program
What is Thomas Jefferson High School? Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, commonly referred to as TJHSST or TJ, is a Fairfax County Public School offering a comprehensive college preparatory program emphasizing the science, mathematics, and technology. TJ has been ranked the #1 High School in the country for the past two years by the US News annual high school report. Learn more about TJ at their website. What is AOS? Academy of Science (AOS) is a public high school program in Loudoun County. Students attend AOS every other day, and go to their home school on alternate days. More than 20 AOS seniors in 2010 have been offered admissions in UVA, and 6 other have been accepted into any League Schools. AOS also has 4 National Merit Finalists, and 2 Intel Science Entrants from their class of 2010. Learn more about AOS at their website. Who are the instructors at Academy4Enrichment for TJ Prep and AOS Prep? Our instructors are experienced teachers choosen for their teaching history and experience in teaching middle and high school students. What is our class structure for TJ Prep? Each week, a three hour class, is divided into: One hour Math and One hour English. Each subject has classwork, homework, and quizzes. The quiz is based on the material covered during the previous week. Students will then spend time learning important topics in Math & Verbal focusing on those relevant to the TJ test. They will also learn strategies and tips for scoring well on the TJ test. What is our class structure for AOS Prep? Each class is divided into two sections: Quiz, Math & English. The Math and English sections have a classwork, homework, and quiz each week.The quiz is based on the material covered from the previous week. Students will then spend time learning important topics in Math, Reading, and Writing and Language Focusing on those relevant to the PSAT Test for AOS. They will also learn strategies and tips for scoring well on the PSAT Test. How is the student's progress monitored? We measure each student's progress with a quiz each week, and full-length practice exams. Scores will be reported on the web through the parent login. Is class size limited? All classes are limited to 12 students. This is to ensure that each student receives individual attention from our teachers. How can I pay for classes? You can pay for either 1 month ($200) or 3 months $570 of classes in advance. There is a $30 discount for registering for 3 months in advance. We currently accept payment by check. Please make the check out to Academy4Enrichment LLC. What if a month has 5 classes in it? The fee for any month is $200 regardless of the number of classes. What if I miss a class? Unfortunately, we cannot refund fees for individual classes. We will provide materials for missing classes. |