CogAT/NNAT Test Prep
Our CogAT/NNAT Test Preparation Strategy:
We have a comprehensive plan to prepare 1st, and Rising 2nd graders for the Fairfax AAP Admissions, and 2nd and Rising 3rd graders for the Loudoun
County Future Admissions. We are committed to working with them until they obtain all the skills they need to have an edge over other students in
the Gifted & Talented admission process. We also prepare students for various competitions, including National Science League, Continental Math
League, Virginia Math League, and First Lego League. These competitions are great extracurricular activities that the students can use on their GT
applications. We strongly believe our conceptual teaching approach provides the needed foundation for Gifted and Talented Programs. We have a
Math/English Enrichment Program to fulfill the GT Program admission criteria of being advanced in academics. We also have series of activities in our
After School Program to develop gifted behaviors.
Who will benefit from our Program?
Fairfax County AAP Admission Process:
For the AAP Admissions in Fairfax County, students are selected through a rigorous admission process with an acceptance rate of
less than 5%. The AAP Admission conducts NNAT and CogAT( also called FxAT) tests that cover a wide range of challenging topics
in Verbal, Non Verbal and Quantitative. It can be very difficult to have a complete grasp of all of the topics in different categories
needed for the exam. As these admission tests are an important part of the AAP admission process, you have to score as high as
97% percentile to ensure your position. AAP admissions also look into the student's advancement in academics and gifted behaviors.
Loudoun County Future Admission Process:
For the Futura Program Admissions in Loudoun County, students are selected through a rigorous admission process with an acceptance
rate of less than 3%. The Futura Program Admission conducts NNAT and CogAT tests that cover a wide range of challenging topics
in Verbal, Non Verbal and Quantitative. It can be very difficult to have a complete grasp of all of the topics in different
categories needed for the exam. As these admission tests are an important part of the Future admission process, you have to score
as high as 97% percentile to ensure your position. Futura admissions also look into the student's advancement in academics and
gifted behaviors.
How do I register?
Click here to register.